Based on inflation expectations, center line can still bargain - hunting resources, real estate the two plates.
基于通胀预期, 中线仍可低吸资源 、 地产两大板块.
互联网Mainly used in places such as center line, isolation belt, curbs and streets.
主要用于道路中心线 、 隔离带 、 路肩、街道等场所.
互联网Company's development prospects, center line a cause of concern.
公司发展前景看好, 中线值得关注.
互联网White on toes and slim white snip on center line of face permissible.
互联网The center line, the market is down significantly for each a good time to - term intervention.
中线看, 大盘的每次明显回落都是 短线 介入的好时机.
互联网National insignia: With king sword for the center line both sides symmetry pattern.
国徽: 以王剑为中心线两边对称的图案.
互联网To order, specify description and extension length from center line of valve to handwheel.
订购时, 注明描述信息和从阀门中心线至手轮的加长长度尺寸.
互联网Therefore, it is the quality of traditional Chinese painting the center line - the identity of the symbolic.
因此, 国画中线便有了质 —— 身份的象征性.
互联网All the actions disgust is in the center line.
互联网To order, specify length from center line of valve to base of floorstand.
订购时, 注明从阀门中心线至地轴承架底部的距离长度.
互联网Eventually, the relative position between mica - slot's center line and cutter is gotten.
互联网As speed increases the legs will converge under body towards a center line.
互联网Of course, the focus from center line, the situation is still beneficial for many.
当然, 从中线着眼, 形势对多方依然有利.
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